Frame description

In this frame, a Speaker asks an Addressee for something, or asks them to carry out some action.


1. Er  forderte den Rücktritt des Ministers.1. He demanded the resignation  of the Minister.
2. Er hat sie um Rat gebeten.2. He asked her  for advice.
3. Der Gastgeber hat den Gästen eine Einladung zur Party geschickt.3. The host sent the guests an invitation to the party.


The Speaker is typically the subject of the communication verb, while the Addressee is often realized as the direct object (as in, "Ich frage dich!"  "I ask you!") or with a preposition (as in, "er verlangt von mir,  dass ich ihm helfe,"     "he asks of me,  that I help him"). The Message can be expressed in a variety of ways, such as a direct quote, a clause, or a noun phrase (see examples in particular LU entries for LU-specific details of how to express the Message). Least frequent of all the FEs in this frame is the Medium used to convey the Message, which could be something like: "in einem Brief" ("in a letter"), "am Telefon" ("on the phone"), "per Email" ("by email"), or "im Internet" ("on the internet"). Although this FE can theoretically be included in any Request evoking sentence, it is rarely encountered, and never mandatory.

German-English differences for Communication frames
Have you been talking to the internet again? A German might think you have if you overextend this kind of English sentence to German: "The internet says that happens to lots of people." In contrast to English, where the Medium can replace the Speaker through metonymy (e.g. "the letter said…," "Google said…"), German speakers use phrases such as "dem Internet nach" ("according to the internet") or "im Buch steht, dass…" ("in the book it says that…") when they choose to include the Medium and not the Speaker. In particular, the verb "stehen" ("to stand") is used to convey that some Message is contained in a print/visual Medium, for example, "In jeder Zeitung steht dein Name und dein Foto auf der Titelseite" ("In every newspaper stands your name and your photo on the front page").

Frame Elements

Frame Element descriptions (on hover):


The person who asks the Addressee to do something.


The person whom the Speaker asks to do something.


The content of the request made.


The physical entity or channel used to transmit the Message.